Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Passion

Why I chose this topic: 

The topic of inclusion is very important in my life. I have been largely affected by the opportunity I have had to work with kids with disabilities. A life changing experience has led me to wanting to make a difference and including kids with disabilities on unified teams into high school sports is just the first step! I chose to research the idea of including unified teams into high school sports because it will make a difference in my home state and I truly believe this is the right step to break down the separation walls.

Who I wrote my letter to:

I wrote my letter to the executive director of the DIAA (Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association) Kevin Charles. I chose to specifically write to the DIAA because it is my home state and I believe the change needs to start there. He knows about sports and the effect it has on kids lives. I believe he will read my letter and the process to adding unified teams will begin!

Getting Involved:

I began getting involved through the blue/gold and Special Olympics. The opportunity to interact with kids with disabilities is life changing. To get involved, I would recommend starting to open your mind to Special Olympics. When change starts to happen, sign the petitions and attend the meetings to make it happen!

Class Project: 

This was a class assignment for my college freshmen year English class. My classmates also wrote a letter of change on a different topic. To learn about their articles you can find their URL's here: